Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and the former top strategist for Bill Clinton is documenting the new D.C. for The National ENQUIRER!
Every week, Dick provides a startling look into Washington’s biggest secrets, along with exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!
Donald Trump’s Feud With Mick Jagger Over Future First Lady!
In the video above, Dick Morris follows up on his bombshell column revealing how Donald Trump has outsmarted the timid Republicans in the Senate — and is killing Obamacare by starving the government program to death!
The veteran D.C. insider breaks down the veteran businessman’s secret strategy to undo the program started by Barack Obama, and reveals why the President expects to pick up new supporters while undoing the Affordable Care Act.
How Trump Blasted Hillary For Giving Russia Nukes!
Dick also takes on the Democratic Party’s claims about Trump’s “heartless” maneuvering as he puts an end to Big Insurance’s promised windfall of billions in government subsidies!
Watch the video above for the inside story on Trump’s big move, and get the inside story on how Trump is changing politics every week in The National ENQUIRER!