Exclusive Video!

Two-Faced Obama Cashing In On Wall Street

Former Prez is following Bill & Hillary's path to big bucks!

Dick Morris is the most feared voice in politics — and the former top strategist for Bill Clinton is documenting the new D.C. for The National ENQUIRER!

Every week, Dick provides a startling look into Washington’s biggest secrets, and provides exclusive video for NationalENQUIRER.com!

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In the video above, Dick Morris reveals how Barack Obama is following the same path as the D.C. veteran’s old bosses Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton — by getting big bucks by talking to the Wall Street “fat cats” that the ex-Prez used to blast!

Dick also details how Obama is cashing in on a sweetheart deal set up for him by a bank who helped him land a $1.32 million loan for a mansion in Chicago.

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Obama isn’t the first former President to land lucrative speaking engagements, of course — but Dick exposes how we’re now looking at behavior that he calls “new lows for ethical standards in the United States!”

Watch the video above for the shocking facts and figures, and get Dick’s inside story on America’s new political scene in the new issue of The National ENQUIRER, on newsstands now!