Casey Anthony Copy Cat Convicted

This story might sound familiar. A pretty young woman suffocates a little girl and coldly duct tapes her small mouth, but insists she’s innocent – despite a mountain of damning evidence against her. 

Meet Melinda Muniz – the chilling clone of exonerated murder mom Casey Anthony!

“There’s no doubt Casey was the inspiration for Melinda’s evil actions,” said Carlene Clark Altom, who’s making a documentary, “The Amazing Grace Project,” about the horrific toddler murder.

While Muniz is a dead ringer for Anthony, the two share more than just a physical resemblance. Muniz, 26, of Plano, Texas, suffocated her fiancé Mitch Ford’s daughter Grace Lillian on Jan. 9, 2014 – just weeks short of her third birthday. That made blue-eyed cutie pie Grace precisely the same age as Anthony’s own toddler daughter, Caylee!

Muniz was furious that Mitch had dumped her after finding raunchy cellphone pictures she’d sent to another man, a personal trainer. Anthony submitted sexy cellphone shots to a “hot body” contest – even as police searched fields near her Florida home for Caylee.

The toddler’s skeletal remains were found in Dec. 2008. Both women’s computers also contained web searches for ways to kill. And while Anthony claimed she’d left her daughter with a nanny, Muniz told cops that an intruder assaulted her, and murdered Grace.

Unlike Anthony, who was found not guilty by a jury and remains free to this day, Muniz was convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

“I am relieved justice was served,” said Grace’s devastated mom, Emily Ward. “But the way Gracie died will haunt me till the day I die.”