Devastated Nicole Kidman is breaking down in tears on a daily basis fearing her beloved...
Devastated Nicole Kidman is breaking down in tears on a daily basis fearing her beloved...
The Undoing beauty Nicole Kidman admits she has left one major thing undone in her life...
Nicole bears uncanny resemblance to Bridget Jones star.
Connor is marrying cult 'princess!'
Friends worry that star is wearing herself down while promoting two films!
Star looks unnaturally young while getting back to glamour!
Tom & Nic's kid would rather not sponge off his folks!
Daughter Bella's T-shirt tribute to mom helps heal rift!
Gritty role inspires beauty to unlikely makeunder!
Country star is fed up with looking Hollywood!
Couple eyes $39 Million Gotham home that hosts Jacko's wacko spirit!
Nip-tuck Nic's blown a million on makeovers!
Kidman's Emmy could bring her back for another season!
Actress trying everything to tame her wild hairs!
Country superstar's former bandmate spilling nasty secrets!
Action star setting his cap for Aussie stunner!
Co-stars say actress's antics are all wet!
Shows off her rebuilt boobs and wrinkle-free face in bizarre outfit!
Statuesque star refuses to wear flats for shorter husband!
Health kick costs A-lister her implants.
Private eye reveals allegations about Cruise’s trysts with porn star ‘Big Red.’