Mike Walker

Howie Mandel Cranky Over Coffee

Comic loses a fan while freaking out at Starbucks!

howie mandel scandals meltdown
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Mike Walker reports… What the hell’s with Howie Mandel?

Beloved by “America’s Got Talent” fans ’cause his temper ain’t foul like Simon Cowell, Howie usually sports smiles even sweeter than his girlie co-judges!

But trouble brewed fast outside a Tinseltown Starbucks one recent a.m. as he queued for his good-morning brewski!

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My Starbucks Spy sighed that things got ugly when a woman standing lazily just in front of Howie would not push closer to the lady in front of her!

Boiling over, Howie hissed: “Are you actually in line — or just standing there? MOVE UP!”

Snipped a shocked spywitness: “Boy, does he need his morning coffee, or what?” — adding: “The shocked woman recoiled, and told everyone who’d listen: ‘Howie used to be my favorite host!'”