Mike Walker

Harry Styles Hates His Honker

The ‘One Direction’ star wants a new nose.

Harry Styles Plastic Surgery — ‘One Direction’ Star Hates His Nose
Getty Images

Acting more girrrly than his fanatic femme fans, “One Direction” pop princeling Harry Styles suddenly went borderline hysterical because he HATES his schnozz, whining to pals that … Waaahhh! … he desperately needs a nose job to nail his upcoming bid to become a movie star!

But Harry’s inner circle warns he’s headed in the WRONG direction!

Says My Nosy Insider: “Harry’s besties keep insisting he looks perfectly fine, saying, ‘girls worldwide love you just the way you are!’ But Harry hates how his nose looks on the big screen after viewing the band’s documentary film, ‘This Is Us!’ He cringed at every frame, wailing ‘my nose looks HORRIBLE!’ Now he’s sifting through hundreds of male nose pics, hunting for his perfect honker!”

Harry’s Hair-Raising (He Wishes) Truth: He’ll Be ‘Styling’ Trump Comb-Overs! 

Hey, Gossip Fans: Enter my “Help Harry Pick His Nose!” contest! I’ll pay $50 and publish your best letter advising whose star honker to stick on Harry’s kisser: Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber, Owen Wilson, Tom Cruise, etc. …?

Email me: MIKEGOSSIP@nationalenquirer.com.