Fretting PRINCE WILLIAM driving Mommy-to-be KATE BONKERS!

I DUB THEE…PRINCE PARANOID! Even a Prince Charming can drive a lady nuts, so though it’s normal for a first-time dad to worry about Wifey’s health while she’s carrying his child, PRINCE WILLIAM’s become such a worrywart he’s making KATE krazy!

Admittedly, the Princess of Our Hearts had a rough start to her pregnancy, hospitalized for acute morning sickness – but Kate’s frightening vomiting bouts finally ended and she’s so strong and vibrant again that she and William, along with her parents and siblings, traveled to the Caribbean for an idyllic vacation on Mustique – the world’s most fabulous private island!

Said My Palace Spy: “Kate was ecstatic about relaxing before the birth of their first child, but William became paranoid that she might contract some weird disease from bacteria in the local foods. So he brought along an extra security staffer, whose sole duty was to oversee and supervise kitchen staff – making sure all fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, etc., were properly scrubbed. The Prince even flew in crates of their favorite bottled water from England – the resort’s bottled water was deemed not good enough. His paranoia was driving Kate quite mad, but she went along with his demands – until the day he forbade her to join her family for a fun night out at a local bistro. He told her he was fearful because he wouldn’t be able to inspect the way her food was being prepared!”

That triggered a right royal row – and William apologized to his teary-eyed bride for being overbearing, but declared that he simply can’t risk anything happening to her, or their unborn baby.

Said the source: “While Kate truly appreciates William’s concern, his overprotective ways definitely put a bit of a damper on the vacation.”