Reader Survey!

Who’s The Least-Trusted Broadcast News Pundit?

Cast your vote for the insiders you want to ignore!

survey worst pundits

They get paid millions, but the nation’s top news commentators really want America’s trust. Instead, audiences have become fiercely divided over where they get their news — and who they trust to give them all the facts. Cast your vote for the newsperson who you think is most likely to cover up the real story!


Who’s The Least-Trusted Broadcast News Pundit?

Wolf Blitzer
Mika Brzezinski
Tucker Carlson
Anderson Cooper
Chris Cuomo
Sean Hannity
Laura Ingraham
Megyn Kelly
John King
Don Lemon
Rachel Maddow
Chris Matthews
Joe Scarborough
George Stephanopoulos
Jake Tapper
Chuck Todd
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