Prince Jackson Lights Up Jackson Clan Legal War

With Michael Jackson’s troubled son Prince puffing away on suspicious cigarettes, lurid new details of the pop star’s twisted pedophile behavior have been revealed. 

Secret court documents, obtained exclusively by The National ENQUIRER, reveal that Michael lured young James Safechuck into a disgusting mock wedding ceremony. James was only 10 when he co-starred with the King of Pedophilia in a Pepsi commercial, and he claimed Michael began to sexually abuse him after the commercial was filmed.

In sworn legal statements, James – now 37 and a married father of two – claimed Michael told him “that what he was doing to me was ‘love.’ ” James has slapped Michael’s estate with a lawsuit, and supported his claim that he became the late superstar’s “constant companion” for four years after Jacko gave him a ring and a marriage certificate as part of a perverted “wedding ceremony.”

He also claims the “Thriller” singer used his showbiz clout to intimidate him into silence for the next two decades. James said he began therapy in late 2013 for depression and fear that “never goes away.”

He stated: “I have finally come to know and appreciate now … that this relationship was a predatory and wholly improper one, and one whereby the decedent [Jackson] used my trust and love of him as a means to victimize and sexually molest me.”

Meanwhile, Michael’s 18-year-old son Prince flaunted a suspicious hand-rolled cigarette while out with friends. Family members, including sister Paris, are worried about his partying pals, but Prince has told them to butt out, insiders revealed.

“Prince is hanging out with the wrong crowd and has been for nearly a year,” said a source close to the family. “He keeps burning through his monthly allowance and demanding more money. “His rebellious attitude keeps getting worse.” ​