Charlie Sheen Health Crisis: National ENQUIRER Reveals Shocking New Details With Wendy Williams


Charlie Sheen is laying low as The National ENQUIRER’s blockbuster exclusive on his hidden HIV status hits the newsstands!

ENQUIRER Editor in Chief Dylan Howard, however, went on “The Wendy Williams Show” to shock her audience with even more secret Sheen revelations from The ENQUIRER and Radar Online!

“I can tell you,” Dylan announced to Wendy’s enthralled audience, “that Radar Online late yesterday broke the story that Charlie Sheen allegedly slept with men, women and even transsexuals!

“And this gives you an indication of the potential epidemic that we’re faced with here in Hollywood at the moment!”

The shocking charges of Sheen’s bisexuality drew murmurs from the studio audience, as Dylan provided a glimpse of further troubling reports to come from The National ENQUIRER and Radar Online.

“I spoke to a high-level legal source in Hollywood yesterday,” Dylan revealed, “who told me that a top lawyer negotiated 12 to 24 settlements with men, women and transsexuals—and millions of dollars were paid out to silence the truth!”

Wendy’s audience also couldn’t hold back their gasps as Dylan also revealed the extent to which Sheen had tried to silence The ENQUIRER!

Dylan told Wendy: “We’ve been investigating the story for near on two years now—aggressively for the last 18 months.

“Charlie Sheen denied this to us 18 months ago, threatening with a $150 million lawsuit!

“He spent millions of dollars to silence the truth, and we have leaked emails, text messages, documents—it’s an 8-page special report!”

Dylan also explained the importance of The ENQUIRER’s news coverage, and why the magazine’s sources were willing to go public.

“They ultimately spoke up because they believed that this was an important story to tell,” said Dylan, “because they believe, allegedly, that he was not telling partners about his HIV status!”

Dylan then noted a Radar Online report from this morning that caught Sheen spending $1.6 million on alleged escorts in 2013—”two years,” Dylan added, “after he was diagnosed with HIV!”

Wendy challenged Dylan on accusations from other news outlets that The ENQUIRER had unfairly outed Sheen as suffering from the HIV virus.

“I don’t think there’d be one person in your whole audience today who would say that one patient’s plot is outweighed by those allegedly hundreds of other victims,” Dylan replied—declaring sources had said, “This has the potential to be a scandal bigger than Bill Cosby!”

For the explosive untold story of Charlie Sheen’s diagnosis, pick up The National ENQUIRER—on newsstands today!