Zuma Press

Not yet a Presidential contender SARAH PALIN explodes at media critics at preem of Palin-friendly documentary.

An alleged objective documentary “The Undefeated” is a biopic doc of the Wasilla wonder and it opens with several minutes of footage in which celebs skew Palin with scathing, expletive-ridden verdicts on the former Alaska gov and Tea Party darling.

Among those depicted are Matt Damon (who likens Palin to "a really bad Disney movie"), Madonna, comic Bill Maher and talk-show hosts David Letterman and Howard Stern.

Letterman describes Palin as "slutty" while Maher says she’s a "dumb twat" on his TV show. Performing at a concert, Madonna screams "Sarah f***ing Palin".  

As the footage ends, a Biblical verse appears screen: "By their fruits ye shall know them."

 Palin told The Hollywood Reporter after seeing the scathing footage, "It makes you want to reach out to some of these folks and say, 'What's your problem? And what was the problem? And what is the problem?'

 "What would make a celebrity, like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

Palin does not appear onscreen in the film nor is she interviewed in “The Undefeated”.

Political pundits are calling the film a fundraising commercial for the outspoken Alaskan.