THE wife of a NAVY doctor found incriminating e-mails he was having an affair and then viciously murdered him, stabbing him 11 times with a foot long knife!

SUSPECTING that her husband was having an affair, Jennifer Trayers secretly in­stalled Spyware on his computer and did a slow burn after discovering incriminating e-mails.

For three months, Jennifer read hundreds of the messages between her husband and the other woman, seething over talk about how they wanted to marry and have children.

When she reached the breaking point, Jennifer sent her husband’s mistress an angry e-mail saying: “My husband is NOT going to be yours.”

Then she made sure by stabbing him to death as he slept in bed!

And to make it look like self-defense, she sliced herself open, too.

“Jennifer felt that if she couldn’t have him, no one would – especially not this other woman he now had in his life,” a law enforcement source told The ENQUIRER.

Jennifer, who worked as a fraud investigator at a bank, had been married to her husband, Frederick Trayers III, for 18 years. They didn’t have any children.

He was a U.S. Navy doctor, a lieu­tenant commander who once tended Marines in Iraq. But his life turned in August 2010 while he was serving on the Navy hospital ship, the USS Mer­cy, in the South Pacific. That’s when he met fellow ship doctor Danielle Robins, an attractive young blonde, and began having an affair.

When Frederick returned home to San Diego, Calif., his wife Jennifer suspected something was amiss in their marriage.

“Once he got back, he started acting a little strange,” Jennifer’s attorney Ker­ry Armstrong told The ENQUIRER. “You know how women are – they pick up on things when their husband or boyfriend is carrying on with an­other woman.”

So Jennifer secretly installed Spy­ware on her husband’s computer so she could monitor his e-mails without his knowledge. And what she discovered led to murder.

Before she carried out the heinous act, Jennifer fired off an eight-page e-mail to her love ri­val that began: “Dear Little Miss Grass is not greener on my side.”

And it went on: “My husband is NOT going to be yours. You should feel guilty now. You ruined the marriage of a wonderful man. The career of a wonderful man. The future of a wonderful man…I got to hear him say I love you soft­ly in my ear while he’s hugging me. I was the last person he was with.”

Then she signed it: “Mrs. Won­derful.”

San Diego County Deputy Dis­trict Attorney Fiona Khalil said Jennifer was in a “total uncontrol­lable rage” when she stabbed her 41-year-old husband to death on Dec. 4, 2010, as he slept, groggy from sleep medication.

“She waited to catch him un­prepared and attacked him with planned marksmanship,” Khalil added.

Frederick was stabbed twice in the chest, eight times in the back and once in the back of the neck. Then she turned the foot-long Navy knife on herself.

Two days later, after Frederick missed two shifts of work as an emergency room physician, cops broke into the condo and found him lying in a pool of blood by the side of the bed. Jennifer was lying on the other side, suffer­ing from multiple stab wounds. She was taken to the hospital and recovered.

 At her trial, Jennifer admitted stabbing her husband, but insisted she didn’t do it on purpose. She claimed that she intended to kill herself with the knife when her husband interfered. In the ensuing struggle, she said she only recalled stabbing him once in the neck be­fore blacking out.

But prosecutor Khalil said Jennifer concocted that story to cover up the truth about how she killed her husband.

Ironically, Frederick’s mistress, Danielle Robins, 31, testified that although the two fell in love, she refused to have sex with him until he left his wife.

“We kept boundaries,” she said. “It would be kissing, hold­ing hands, cuddling, leaving it at that. He seemed to be eager to have a future with me. He expressed a lot of excitement.”

Jurors didn’t buy Jenni­fer’s version of events, and on Feb. 8, 2012, she was convict­ed of second-degree murder. The following month she was sentenced  to 16 years to life in prison.

“She’s devastated,” noted her lawyer. “She says she still loves her husband and talks about him as if he’s still alive.