‘Hitler And Charles Manson Were Real Warriors” – Says Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof's diary

"I’m the devil!"

With those awful words, crazed gunman Dylann Roof poured out his pent-up rage in a chilling secret diary kept on a computer, a top government source told The National ENQUIRER.

While the 21-year-old hater has reportedly confessed his role in the church massacre, the source said it’s expected his twisted journals will help at trial, showing premeditation as prosecutors consider invoking the death penalty.

“Roof clearly wanted to explode a race war,” the law enforcement source told The ENQUIRER.

“The diary is filled with his murderous plans, and desire to take part in a ‘Helter Skelter’–type revolution against black people!

“In one sick entry, he writes, ‘I’m the devil!’ and ‘kill, kill, kill.’ It is disgusting, horrible stuff.”

High school dropout Roof also listed links to Internet chat rooms and websites appealing to white supremacist groups, the Ku Klux Klan and various Aryan Nations offshoots, the source said.

“He writes ‘I like’ Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and also Charles Manson – calling them ‘real warriors in the fight,’” the source added.

The diary also refers to finding ‘the right places to unleash hell,’ and Roof’s plans to make his way north to either New York City or Washington, D.C.

Said the source: “It’s clear that he believed after the Charleston shootings ‘a race war will definitely break out,’ and move up the East Coast.

“In his fantasy, Roof believed places like New York City would explode in a war between whites and blacks. He was absolutely mad.

“He also believed his rampage would spur copycat killers to go into malls and main streets and ‘go crazy.’

“He even believed the killings would spread from the United States to other countries, and start a global race war. He truly wanted an apocalypse to happen.”

Another published report said Roof claimed to be “part of a ‘White Terrorist’ plot,” and predicted “more mass murders may be imminent.”

But said the government source: “In his twisted mind, Roof may have thought he was part of a larger conspiracy. But in reality it appears he was just a deranged loner.”