He Took The Same Drug Cocktail As Mass Killers

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Powerful anti-addiction drugs could have triggered Dylann Roof’s deranged shooting spree, a top medical expert told The National ENQUIRER.

The 21-year-old was reportedly taking Suboxone, a narcotic used to treat opiate addiction that’s been linked with sudden outbursts of violence.

“There’s no question he had an underlying psychiatric condition in which there was a breakdown in his ability to reason right from wrong,” Dr. Stuart Fischer, who has not treated Roof, told The ENQUIRER. “But the powerful medication he was apparently prescribed could have helped trigger this.”

Police questioned Roof earlier this year for acting suspicious at a mall. Cops found “orange strips” in his possession that Roof said was Suboxone. In addition to Suboxone, Roof has reportedly also used cocaine, LSD and methamphetamine.

Several mass murderers were taking some form of an antidepressant or other pharmaceutical drug at the time of their attack, including Columbine killer Eric Harris,

“Dark Knight” shooter James Holmes and Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza.

Dr. Fischer told The ENQUIRER: “Aggressive behavior can be a side effect of Suboxone. If it were to happen, it would be ‘early in the game’ after being prescribed.”