
Incarcerated Helter-Skelter fiend CHARLES MANSON to wed.

So says his Susan Atkins look-a-like galpal “Star” who blurbed the creepily after news

 “I’ll tell you straight up, Charlie and I are going to get married,” “Star,” 25, tells Rolling Stone.

“When that will be, we don’t know. But I take it very seriously. Charlie is my husband,”

Manson, arguably the evilest serial killer ever, is now 79 and the only thing that can stop him from getting hitched is cold feet.

Under the State of California penal laws, prisons  ­allow convicted inmates to marry anyone but a fellow con in the same institution.

Manson has spent 44 years in prison and has been denied parole every single time he has applied for it.

He was convicted for masterminding the grisly 1969 “Helter Skelter” murders of Roman Polanski’s wife actress Sharon Tate, her unborn baby, her guests as well as the LoBianco slayings.

 “Star,” is said to resemble Susan Atkins, a key member of the “Manson family” that carried out the bloody slayings. Atkins died in prison in 2004.

Star lives near Corcoran State Penitentary where Manson is imprisoned and has become his most libidinous champion.

“People can think I’m crazy,” she told the music mag.

“But they don’t know. This is what’s right for me. This is what I was born for.”