Spin me sperm, 
Old Girl?? Queen will BEHEAD me!


Princess of Our Heart KATE karefully kept the sex of her new baby bump sired by Prince Charming a right royal secret, but the tiny li’l thang always looked like a grrrl to me – exactly what the potent pair schemed desperately to create!

Says My Palace Spy: “Catherine’s dreamed of having her own little princess, but – considering her severe morning sickness problems – knew this would probably be her last-ever chance for a child, so she started looking into ‘scientific’ ways of conceiving the desired sex, such as sperm-spinning, in which male and female sperm are separated, then artificially inseminated!”

When Kate told WILLS of her “scientific” solution, his eyebrows shot straight up to his bald spot as he gasped: “I don’t think Granny (aka THE QUEEN) will approve!”

Then, cracking Wifey up, he dead-panned: “Let’s do it the old-fashioned way, dahling – just close your eyes and think of England!”