
CASEY ANTHONY strained at her chains and gasped "Oh no!" when her murdered child CAYLEE‘s remains were discovered, newly released documents reveal!

The documents, part of over 1,000 pages of evidence in the case of the accused murder mom, describe in excruciating detail the horror at the moment of discovery.

Lt. Tammi Unser, the Orange County Corrections officer who was with Anthony in jail when the announcement was made on TV that Caylee Anthony’s body had been found, sent an e-mail to investigators on Dec. 11, 2008 after speaking with detectives.

Unser witnessed that Casey collapsed into a chair and doubled over.  She began breathing very rapidly seeing the news unspool live.

"At one point, we thought she was going to hyperventilate," Lt. Unser wrote.

Then, Casey asked to have her chains loosened because she claimed they were too tight.

Upon inspection, Lt. Unser had said that the chains were not and they weren’t loosened.

As Casey continued to watch, she gasped "Oh no," upon hearing that the precise location and that the body found was of a small child.

The e-mail then recalled that Casey began pulling at her arms and fidgeting with her hands.

Yet it was more than week before the medical examiner verified the remains as Caylee Anthony.

Casey Anthony remains behind bars accused of the murder of her daughter. 

The sensational murder trial is docketed to begin  May 2011.