
Wall Street 2 JOSH BROLIN was more than bad as a kid, he was BIG trouble. 

The W star was part of a rough and tumble California surf gang the Cito rats and Brolin drove his mother nuts and she was so incensed she forced him to live with his acting father JAMES BROLIN!

One of the star of Wall Street 2 along with Michael Douglas, Josh thinks mom did the right thing although he resisted as a tenn.  Because all his surf punk pals ended up on a slab DOA.

"They were the impenetrable group that you always hoped for, romanticized, wished for when you were a kid," Brolin told Playboy. " But the dysfunction was on a massive scale."

Hanging with the Cito Rats, Brolin served jail time for "just doing s**t."

His mother who had split from James Brolin had had enough and sent the troubled Josh off to live with thesping dad.

"I got sent down to live with my father and ended up on a couch in his place. I got situated in school and got a job cooking in a restaurant."

Finally Josh caught the acting bug and he made the big screen instead of the coroner’s slab.