
The terror stricken voice of SANDRA BULLOCK’s  frantic call to cops after intruder busted into her home is heard in court.

The Oscar-winning thesp his din her bedroom closet and appeared to be panic stricken and  crying as she orchestrated a police rescue into her own home last June.

Sandy first called LAPD after seeing a man already inside her home and apparently making his way to the attic.

The call to a 911 dispatcher is the first piece of evidence presented by the prosecution against Joshua Corbett, 39, who is charged with stalking Sandra and breaking and entering.

Breathing heavily, Sandra can be heard on the 911 tape, "I'm in my closet. I have a safe door. I'm locked in the closet right now. I thought it was a wind blowing. Then I saw the person."

She tried to navigate police through her driveway security. She attempted to open the gate to her driveway via cellphone but it failed to engage.

"Now my phone is not working so maybe they know how to override my system," a frantic Sandra is heard telling the 911 dispatcher.

Bullock then gave officers instructions on how to find her bedroom. When they got there, a teary Sandra profusely thanked both the dispatcher and the responding officers.

Her son, Louis, was not at home during the alleged home invasion.

Los Angeles police Officer Jose Bermudez testified in court that Corbett had a black notebook with a two-page love letter to Sandra and multiple photos of her cut from magazines when he was collared by cops.

Corbett is charged with having an arsenal of illegal weapons including assault weapons, tracer ammunition and machine guns discovered when law enforcement searched his home.

Cops said that Corbett was not armed when he was arrested.

While Sandra is not expected to testify at the preliminary hearing, she may have to do so if a judge determines that there is enough evidence to support a trial,

Corbett has pleaded not guilty to all charges.