
Secret plan to stop enemy hacked computers that launch terror revealed!

The Administration is finalizing plans for new Pentagon controlled cyber-command center that would coordinate the security of military computer nets and to develop offensive cyber-weapons, a source told the Washington Post.

The source who spoke several top White House aides and military officials requested anonymity. He may have also asked not to be ID-ed with a porn name in the  "Deep Throat" tradition.

This new command, the source divulged, affects US Strategic Command ensuring "freedom of action" in space and cyberspace as well as the National Security Agency.

But President Obama must first approve the new plan before launching a cyber- space attack on the worldwide Axis-of-Spam terror —  including the nefarious Nigerian princes of banking, the Acai berry-berry diet dictators (as seen on Oprah) and the blue pill manhood enhanced potentates of MS Outlook.

No word yet whether the President will allow top Pentagon honchos to Twitter.