
Groups of internet vigilante hackers gained access to GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin‘s personal e-mail account.

This is most disturbing to bipartisanship investigators in the Palin Troopergate scandal because it is alleged that Palin used her personal e-mail accounts instead of official government channels.

Hackers posted screen shots of Palin’s Yahoo inbox on whistle-blowing Wikileaks.

The documents posted were from Sarah Palin’s e-mail account and included two digi-pix of family, 5 screen shots and her address book.

The J-Mac Campaign staff immediately demanded the destruction of said posted documents.

The hack attack was conducted by a freelance coalition of truth seekers named Anonymous who were last seen hacking into official Scientology websites and organizing a Save Katie Holmes protest for her Broadway debut.

This exposure of sensitive government documents across the blogosphere comes as Palin is closely scrutinized for using her personal e-mail to conduct official business as Governor of Alaska.

The laws of the United States clearly dictate that all messages connected to official business be preserved.  By contrast, all personal accounts can be deleted.

It is alleged that Gov. Palin used her personal account to conduct a shadow government  whose dictates can be deleted.