Blood Money!

O.J. Confessions Going For $250,000

Banned book could fetch big bucks at auction!

O.J. Simpson
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The shameless cash-in confessional, “If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer,” in which O.J. Simpson allegedly put forth a “hypothetical” description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman was recalled after public outcry — with all of the book’s 400,000 print run destroyed.

Except for one that was locked away in the publisher’s vault.

But another lost copy of the sickening tome has turned up — and it’s going to be sold to the highest bidder!

National ENQUIRER Investigates: O.J. Simpson Busted Nicole Cheating

“Miraculously, another one has survived, and now the owner is planning to auction it off,” a source confessed to The National ENQUIRER’s own Rob Shuter.

“It is in perfect condition and thought to be worth $250,000. The auction is planned for the end of the month.”