
It’s the shocking evidence that could send accused murder mom Casey Anthony to her death!

In an act that police believe shows she carefully planned her daughter Caylee’s murder, Casey dressed the little girl in a T-shirt that sadistically spelled out her sick motive for killing the child.

"Big Trouble Comes In Small Packages," was printed in fabric on the pink shirt.

The death penalty requires that prosecutors show premeditation – and the shirt is the key evidence that shows Casey plotted the murder, investigators believe.

The embroidered words – shredded from the shirt – were found last Dec. 11 with the skeletal remains of the precious 2-year-old.

In case documents recently released by the State’s attorney office in Orange County, Fla., authorities revealed they believe "Caylee was intentionally placed in this shirt because of what it says."

The documents detail the chilling discovery of the T-shirt letters as cops processed the debris-strewn crime scene – less than a half-mile from the Anthony home in Orlando – and came upon the jumble of words.

The word "Packages" and "In" were a short distance from little Caylee’s skull and bones. The remaining words "Big," "Trouble," "Comes" and "Small" were mixed with the remains.

Police believe the shirt shows that Casey killed Caylee because the toddler became too much trouble to care for.

Anthony family photos showed investigators that Caylee had a pink shirt embroidered with the "Big Trouble" saying. The shirt was never found inside the Anthony home in Orlando after Caylee’s disappearance.

Criminal profiler Pat Brown
told The ENQUIRER that police are on the right track in their belief that Caylee was deliberately dressed to be killed in her pink T-shirt.

"Casey Anthony is a psychopath, and psychopaths see their victim as an object and have a running dialogue in their head of their sick feelings," said Brown.

"This was clearly a premeditated crime, no accident. She researched neck-breaking and chloroform. She put duct tape on the child. She put the body in a garbage bag.

"The T-shirt is something for Casey’s amusement. She’s telling the child, ‘I’ve had it with you, you are big trouble in a small package.’

"When Caylee became an impediment to Casey’s lifestyle, then she was not worth having around."

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