After 30 $100 bills fell out of Janet Walterscheit’s purse and blew all over a shopping center, she was stunned to learn that all but one had been turned in to police.

And when a newspaper told her tale, the missing C-note was returned too!

The Milwaukee woman didn’t know the money was missing until she got a call from the owner of a jewelry store where she’d stopped in earlier, saying a man had found some of the bills and was trying to find out who’d lost them.

Janet checked her purse and saw that a bank envelope that had contained the bills was gone. Then she contacted police, who told her people had been turning in money.

A columnist with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wrote about the incident, reporting that 29 of the 30 bills had been turned in.

Later that day the columnist got a call from Donna Roche, who told him: “That undiscovered $100 bill is in our safe in our house.”

Janet and the missing C-note were soon reunited.