MARIE OSMOND’s once-troubled daugh­ter JESSICA has turned her life around — she’s becoming a cop! 

And Marie couldn’t be hap­pier.

Marie, who’s currently taping a new talk show for the Hallmark Channel, recently tweeted: “So proud of my oldest daughter, Jes. She just passed her police officer certification tests for emergency medical and defensive tactic train­ing. All 5 feet of her! Love it.”

Jessica, 24 – the adopted daughter of Marie and ex-husband Brian Blo­sil – is currently enrolled in a police academy in the Provo, Utah, area. She had previously been working in retail but wanted to give something back to the community, a source told The ENQUIRER.

“Jessica really wants a chance to help people out, especially teen­agers,” said the source. “If Jes can turn one teen’s life around, she’ll feel blessed. And her mother is 100 percent behind her.”

Jessica has come a long way since May 2006, when she and her younger sister Rachael embarrassed their devout Mormon mom by posting X-rated messages about themselves on the Internet.

Jessica, using an ob­ scene screen name on her MySpace page, declared that she was bisexual and listed her favorite sex positions. The then-18-year-old also revealed how she wanted sex “as many times as possible” every day and claimed Adolf Hitler was one of her heroes!

Sister Rachael, who was just 16 at the time, described herself as a “whore” on her MySpace page. She added that her great­est fantasy was to have sex with rock idol David Bowie.

Marie, 52, issued a statement after The ENQUIRER exposed her daughters’ antics, saying she was “saddened” by their choices.

Marie was so distraught and depressed by her family prob­lems at the time that she tried to kill herself with an overdose of prescription drugs, The ENQUIRER reported. Fortunately, a friend discov­ered her in time and she was rushed to a local hospital.

“Jessica was definitely shook up by that,” said the source. “But what really hit her the hardest was when her brother Michael killed himself.”

Jessica and her adopted brother had both struggled with substance abuse. Sadly, Mi­chael, 18, jumped from the roof of his Los Angeles apartment building on Feb. 26, 2010.

“Jessica turned her life around not just for herself, but also for her brother’s memory,” the source added.

And daughter Rachael has also cleaned up her act. In early June, Marie tweeted the news that the 22-year-old had just gotten engaged.