
LiLO’s hipster NY lawyer a loser – branded  “incompetent” by judge as ALL his motions are DENIED.

Judge James Dabney ripped Linday Lohan’s ‘s New York based attorney Mark Heller on Friday for his lack of California law knowledge— branding him “incompetent” during a pretrial hearing for the troubled starlet’s upcoming lying to cops, RadarOnline reported .

And if that wasn’t enough already, the judge delivered even further public humiliation.

Judge Dabney recommended Heller gets some assistance from an attorney who actually knows what they are doing — before going on to deny all of his filed motions – including a request for continuance on the grounds that Lohan deserves “mercy and compassion.”

“Somebody needs to come in to assist you who has SOME experience in California law for procedue or Miss Lohan is going to have to come in here and waive her right to have attorneys who are competent in California law and procedure to go forward,” Judge Dabney told Heller.

Judge Dabney’s concern about Heller’s competence to practice in the state of California was spurred by the motions the attorney had filed, which the judge said were “lacking in conformity to California law and procedure….I am somewhat concerned that you have sufficient guidance in criminal procedure in California.”

The judge also took issue with the motion to dismiss the case, which should have been filed at Lindsay’s arraignment.

Not surprisingly, Heller, who took over Lohan’s criminal case reigns at the end of January from her last attorney, the highly respected (and tireless!), Shawn Holley, appeared flustered throughout the proceedings.

A plea deal remains on the table for Lohan to go to rehab for 60 days and avoid jail time — however, the 26-year-old is refusing to take it because, she vows, she does NOT have a problem with booze and/or drugs.