
What’s America’s poster child for weight gain hiding under those baggy clothes?

The ongoing controversy about Jessica Simpson continues with everyone from ex- Nick Lachey to President Obama weighing in on this national crisis of caloric proportions.

Here, Jessica lands in Cincy post-mini-tour on her way back to Dallas to BF Cowboy Tony Romo.

She walked through the airport with her best friend and got help from someone to carry her dog. Jess then kvetched about walking from the gate to the lounge.

Wearing oversized plus  and what may have be Tony’s shirt under her Burberry hat her new girth was well hidden under Ginoromo wear.

Maybe Jess is following in the Simpson family tradition and there’s a little Tony growing as  nothing makes Papa Joe get the shotgun out faster than a bun in the oven.  Just ask Pete Wentz.