
Hugh shocks audience with wetness – onstage!

The Australian thesp was onstage as Gaston in an Aussie production of Disney’s Beauty & The Beast in his pre-Wolverine days when his preparation to fight dehydration backfired.

He had been guzzling water pre-perf before being zipped into his  wardrobe when he let loose! He had been singing and dancing with Belle when disaster struck.

"I chased her around the stage, lifting her up, dragging her, singing the whole time," he confessed to Playboy.

"I was sucking in air, trying to sing and dance. I picked her up and realized I peed my pants a little. The very last note is a big time F sharp. You have to release certain muscles to hit it, the same ones that allow you to hold on when you have to go to the bathroom.

"I thought,  if I sing this note, I’m going to pee my pants — if I don’t, I’m going to look humiliated.

"The actor in me took over."

Hugh thought he’d gotten away with it until he looked out past the footlights and then down.

"The audience was looking at me funny. It had seeped through and my pants were completely wet!"