
Had enough HONEY BOO BOO?! Sorry, relief is NOT on the way!

If the pint-size reality star has her way, she’ll soon be the focus of an animated children’s car­toon series.

“I want to be in my own cartoon,” the “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” cutie told her mom af­ter seeing a comic book written about her and her family.

The 23-page book, “15 Minutes: Hon­ey Boo Boo,” was released last month by Bluewater Productions.

She’s Back! Honey Boo Boo Then & Now!

Intended to be a spoof of the “Honey Boo Boo” clan – including 7-year-old Alana Thompson, June “Mama” Shan­non and the rest of the wacky backwoods Georgia family – the comic book was a real hit with the outspoken pageant princess.

“Alana was so excited to see herself in a comic book,” a family friend revealed. “She says that if she were in a cartoon, she could do anything!

“The cartoon would focus on Alana and her family, following them mud-boggin’, eating road kill and munching on cheese puffs – a lot like their show on TLC.

But when duty calls, Alana will disappear and change into a superhero-type character who helps people out of sticky situa­tions. And her family wouldn’t know she’s the superhero.”

Alana is so determined to have her own cartoon she’s been put­ting crayon to paper to design costumes for her character, ac­cording to the friend.

“Alana is serious about this,” said the source. “She’s been bad­gering her mother to pitch the idea to TV executives.”