Former first lady, 92, more than determined to keep going after white knuckler spill!  

NANCY REAGAN’s tragically frail appearance during a recent outing in Beverly Hills served as a heartbreaking reminder that the former first lady’s condition is steadily going downhill.

The beloved 92-year-old, who broke three ribs when she fell at her home last April and suffered a fractured pelvis and sacrum in a 2008 fall, was accompanied by a nurse and a Secret Service agent when she was wheeled into her favorite eatery, Spago, on Feb. 21. Onlookers were stunned by her badly bruised legs and feeble state.

“She looked terrible,” said a source.

“It’s sad to see the former first lady in this condition. Her health was already deteriorating, but it got worse after she broke her ribs last year. She’s stubborn and still tries to get up, but she often slips and bumps her legs – that’s why she has all that bruising.

“IT’S extremely sad because Nancy would love nothing more than to go out and have lunch with old friends once a week, but her health won’t allow that.”