
Three days after The ENQUIRER learned from Justice Department sources, Mayor Michael Bloomberg confirms our exclusive special report that the Boston terror suspects planned an attack on New York City.

As The ENQUIRER worked through the weekend and into Monday night locking up our new issue, law enforcement sources in the US Department of Justice informed us that the Tsarnaev Brothers had planned subsequent attacks after the senseless attack on the Boston Marathan.

Now, a full 3 days later after going to press and reported denials, New York’s Mayor Mchael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly addressed a national TV audience at grim presser that Times Square in Midtown New York was indeed the target for their next attack.

Boston PD confirmed that the suspects had in their possession additional explosive devices designed for later detonation and that that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had been spotted prevously in New York.

Police Commissioner Kelly says the two suspects had a pressure cooker bomb and five pipe bombs they wanted to set off in the teeming crossroads of America– Times Square.

To learn WHY THEY DID IT! and what other cities were targeted — it’s only in the new ENQUIRER!