
End times tableau upon us as dog shoots man!

Brigham City hunter got a backside full of buckshot that he says was fired by his dog, Utah KSL-TV reported.

A Brigham City hunter, 46, and a pal were duck hunting Sunday about 8:30 a.m. on the north end of the Great Salt Lake near a bird refuge, about 10 miles west of the city, cops told media.

The two hunters maneuvered their canoe-like boat into  a shallow marsh area when the shooting vic exited the boat to collect decoys.

Box Elder County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Kevin Potter said the vic then laid his 12-gauge shotgun across the bow of the boat

As the man waded into the marsh, a dog inside the boat excitedly jumped up on the bow. The hound stepped on the gun.

The gun fired and shot the man in the buttocks.

"He did something to make the gun discharge," Chief Deputy Potter said. "I don't know if the safety device was on. It's not impossible the dog could have taken it off safety."

Medics removed 27 pellets of birdshot from the victim’s posterior.

The hunters called 911 and walked to the main road to wait for EMTs to arrive.

Chief Deputy Potter said that because the man had been wearing hip waders, the gun shot was less serious.

 Potter did not divulge the dog’s breed nor confirm whether the canine was still in police custody on a possible shooting rap.

Despite the incident, the Deputy said the two men were perfectly legal to be duck hunting near a bird refuge.

The dog may disagree.