CHELSEA CLINTON is desperate to save her shaky marriage – and sources say that’s the secret reason she plans to become a mom next year!

“We want, God willing, to start a family,” Chelsea recently proclaimed in a “Glamour” magazine interview.

“So we decided we were go­ing to make 2014 the Year of the Baby.”

Bill and Hillary’s daughter said that starting a family with her husband Marc Mezvin­sky became a top priority after her maternal grandmother, 92-year-old Dorothy Rodham, passed away in 2011.

But sources tell The ENQUIRER that there’s more behind 33-year-old Chelsea’s decision to have a baby with investment banker Mezvinsky, 35.

“For Chelsea, it’s a lastditch attempt to save her marriage,” said a source.

“Bill and Hillary have continually distanced themselves from Marc, and Chelsea thinks that fathering their grand­child would bring Marc closer to them.”

Bill’s been unhappy with his son-in-law ever since Marc quit his Wall Street job just six months after marrying Chelsea in July 2010 to live the life of a ski bum in Wyo­ming for awhile.

At Bill’s 65th birth­day bash in 2011, the Clintons snubbed Marc by seating him behind the rest of the family, causing him to grouse about feeling like a “second-class citizen.”

Bill cold-shouldered Marc again earlier this year by failing to include him on a trip to Africa with Chelsea and several celebrity friends.

As The ENQUIRER re­ported, insiders also said Marc was “deliberate­ly” not invited to spend time with the Clin­tons when they rented an $11 million estate in the Hamptons in late August.

Now, Marc is reportedly concerned over Bill tapping one of Chelsea’s closest pals, Eric Braverman, for the fam­ily’s charitable organization, The Clinton Foundation.

Chelsea worked closely with Eric at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and constantly gushed about him to her parents, said the source.

“While there’s nothing ro­mantic going on between them, Chelsea has something of a ‘crush’ on Eric,” said an in­sider. “He reminds her of her college boyfriend Ian Klaus, who was a Rhodes Scholar and had a great relationship with her dad.

“When the family re­cently decided to retool the Clinton Foundation, Chelsea suggested Eric would make a great hire – and Bill was so impressed that he made Eric CEO. Chelsea is now vice-chairman of the foundation’s board, so she sees Eric every day.”

As The ENQUIRER has re­ported, the former first daughter has encoun­tered problems trying to get pregnant in the past and even considered adopting a child from Africa if she failed to conceive.

“Now that Chelsea has formally announced her in­tention to have a child in the next year,” said the insider, “she’s hoping the tension be­tween Marc and her parents will ease, and she can get their marriage back on track.”