Charlie Sheen Lied To Dr. Oz About Being Sober for 11 Years

Actor tried to gloss over drunken hijinks The ENQUIRER revealed to the world!

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Charlie Sheen suffered a major setback recently in his battle against HIV: His viral load is skyrocketing — and he fed TV’s Dr. Mehmet Oz a pack of lies about what has been happening.

HIV-positive Charlie yesterday made the claim that he had been sober for 11 years before being diagnosed with HIV four years ago!

“There was a stretch where I didn’t drink for 11 years. No cocaine, no booze for 11 years,” Charlie told “The Dr. Oz Show.” Charlie claimed he fell off the wagon four years ago “to suffocate the anxiety and what my life was going to become with (HIV).”

Let The National ENQUIRER to remind everyone about what our readers already know: He was far from 11 years sober!

Start with Christmas Day 2009, when Charlie was busted for domestic assault after attacking then-wife Brooke Mueller in Aspen, Colo. The troubled actor entered rehab in February 2010 as a “preventative measure.”

But eight months later, police removed Charlie from his suite at the posh Plaza Hotel in New York City after he reportedly caused $7,000 in damage in a booze- and drug-fueled rampage.

Then, in early January 2011, he showed up late for work after a reported booze-and-drug bender with paid escorts in Las Vegas.

The actor continued to crash and burn after being fired from the hit sitcom “Two and a Half Men” in March 2011, erupting publicly with more nonsensical rants, including his claims that he was a “warlock with tiger blood” and “Adonis DNA,” and that he was “winning.”

Making matters worse, today Charlie told the “The Dr. Oz Show” that his viral load has been increasing lately — after he completely stopped following his medical regimen.

In an interview on today’s show, Charlie told Dr. Oz, “I’d been non-detectable. I found out the numbers were back up.”

Charlie said the side effects of his medicine compelled him to seek out folk remedies — even though his “traditional” treatment had made the HIV undetectable in his blood for more than three years!

“A lot of people came forward with treatments and cures and claims of such,” Charlie said, but he did not get the same magic results. In fact, he got worse.

Charlie admitted he sought so-called “alternative therapy” from Dr. Samir Chachoua — who Dr. Oz said is not licensed to practice medicine in the United States, so he does it in Mexico — who claims he can cure cancer and AIDS. Chachoua told Dr. Oz that Charlie was “the first adult in history to go HIV negative.”

“I’ve been off my meds about a week now,” Charlie said in a video on Tuesday’s show. “I feel great. Am I risking my life? Yeah, so what?”

At the end of the show, Dr. Oz and Charlie’s personal doctor, Robert Huizenga, begged Charlie to go back to taking his medical cocktail.

“I’m gonna take ’em on the flight home,” Charlie responded.