
Wild wild Charlie Sheen and his wife went on an all-night Yuletide cocaine binge before Charlie went ballistic resulting in his arrest  after the crazed Two and a Half Men star allegedly attacked his terrified spouse with a knife and threatened to kill her.

Sources close to the couple gave The ENQUIRER an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the Christmas Day fracas that left badly shaken Brooke Mueller fearing for her life.

All hell broke loose after 44-year-old Sheen flew to Aspen, Colo., to visit his estranged wife and their twin babies.

He took along his "sober minder" – a watchdog charged with keeping him away from alcohol – but that didn’t stop the visit from quickly spinning out of control.

"The minder was downstairs while Charlie and Brooke snorted cocaine until the morning hours – when they began the fight that resulted in his arrest," revealed a source.

Brooke, 32, called the cops at 8:35 a.m., claiming her husband held a four-inch blade to her throat and warned her: "You better be in fear.

"If you tell anybody, I’ll kill you."

For the full story with ALL the details about what an insider calls a "marriage made in hell" pick up the new ENQUIRER – now on sale!

SEE previous coverage below…..