
Mark McGwire,  who broke Roger Maris‘ 61 homerun record, FINALLY admits to using steroids.

McGwire , who toppled Maris recprd in 1998, has long been suspected of using the performance enhancing drug to boost his four-bag prowess.

"It’s very emotional, it’s telling family members, friends and coaches, you know, it’s former teammates to try to get a hold of, you know, that I’m coming clean and being honest," former St, Louis Cardinal McGwire confessed to Associated Press.  "It’s the first time they’ve ever heard me, you know, talk about this.

"I hid it from everybody."

McGwire hit a then-record 70 homers in 1998 during an exciting race with Sammy Sosa, who finished with a mere 66, also besting Maris.

Now that McGwire has ‘fessed up, the glare of suspicion falls on Sosa.

"I wish I had never played during the steroid era," McGwire said.

McGwire retired in 2001 at age 38 – his final playing years plagued by injuries, his health  ruined by use of the performance enhancing human growth hormones.

With his confession, McGwire became the second major baseball star to admit using illegal steroids, following New York Yankees’ Alex Rodriguez  February 2009. (Maybe Madonna knows how A-Rod’s perf was enhanced?)

Now Major League Baseball should remove McGwire’s asterisk tainted home-run season and restore the glory that once so rightly belonged to Roger Maris.