Menopausal Angelina Jolie Gets Gals Hot Under The Collar

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Angelina Jolie’s latest hot flash — “I love being in menopause” — got older gals steaming!

The slinky 40-year-old “Tomb Raider” actress hit menopause about 10 years early after having her ovaries and breasts removed due to her family’s genetic high risk of cancer.

Now, the glamorous gal is crowing the “change of life” is no sweat and boasting she’s more “settled” and “grown up” with her girlie hormones gone.

That’s saying a lot for a gal who, just a few years ago, was an admitted cutter with a lesbian galpal and who wore a vial of blood from then-lover Billy Bob Thornton around her neck.

Now, all of a sudden, the vixen who stole Brad Pitt from then-wife Jennifer Aniston is a pillar of middle-aged womanhood!

The outrageous remarks by the rich movie beauty, who can afford the most costly docs and cosmetic fixes, triggered an internet firestorm from gals fed up with the Tinseltown diva.

“Oh, shut up,” said one.

“Minimally talented spoiled brat,” added another.

And a third gal archly observed: “Uh, Angie, you’re 40. You haven’t been young for a while.”