
Angel costar Andy Hallett passes away at 33.

Hallett best known for his role of Lorne, the demon Host with the most, on the David Boreanz (Bones) Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off Angel died at Cedars Sinai Medical center in Los Angeles after a battle with heart disease.

Hallett was spotted during a wild music revue by show’s creator and producer Joss Whedon who created the role of Lorne, the show tune spinning MC who could "read" people by making them sing for him.

"Andy was a natural," writer and friend Tim Minear posted on Facebook. "Angel was his first acting gig. Joss came up with the character …with Andy as inspiration. Andy had to read for the role — and won it. Then he became our inspiration in writing the character. His character may have been the easiest to write, because we just wrote it for him."

Hallett appeared in 76 eps until the show’s end in 2004.  He then concentrated on his music career until ill health curtailed his dreams.