Tragic Shock!

Anti-Suicide Activist Takes Her Own Life

'Project Semicolon' founder Amy Bleuel dead at 31!

anti suicide activist amy bleuel
David Bleuel

A woman known for her resilience in the mental health community is now resting in peace!

Amy Bleuel, the founder of the mental health Non-Profit Organization, ‘Project Semicolon’, died by suicide after repeated attempts throughout her life.

Bleuel founded the non-profit in 2013 to honor her late father — who took his own life at age 18!

She became an advocate and spoke openly about her struggles with mental illness, encouraging others to open up about their personal demons.

Bleuel also pioneered the “semicolon tattoo” that came to represent “resiliency.”

The tattoo mirrors the grammatical concept that, “even when your sentence seems to be finished, it can keep going.”

Project Semicolon’s mission is, “to encourage, love and inspire hope and support” to others who struggle with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury.

The community hopes Bleuel’s passing will serve as a reminder of the continued importance of suicide prevention and support for survivors of suicide attempts.

“It’s a reminder for the suicide prevention community that we still have work to do,” said Executive Director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education Dan Reidenberg.