
No surprise here — the fertility doctor who assisted Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman in spawning accused of violating professional guidelines.

The California Medical Board charged that  Beverly Hills physician Dr. Michael Kamrava violated professional medical guidelines in his treatment of Suleman who gave birth to world’s longest living set of octuplets on Jan 26, 2008 adding to her litter of six.

In a 13-page document the state medical board detailed how the patient –  referred to as "N.S." – was attended to by Dr. Kamrava for nine years between 1997 and 2008.

The document revealed how Suleman had repeatedly gone through In Vitro Fertilization treatments, only to return for more IVF as soon as she gave  birth.

"She repeatedly returned for consultation approximately every four months following the delivery without any period of delay.

"The respondent provided IVF treatment without consideration regarding potential harm to the patient’s future children."

Dr. Kamrava was accused of "extreme departures from the standard of practice".

The medical board also charged Kamrava had failed to recommend that Suleman consult with a mental health professional.

Last year the notorious Octo-Doc was expelled from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

"What am I going to do if I ever want to go back?" Octo-Mom Suleman told in defense of her "magic man".