
In crucial pretrial testimony, key witnesses say that the heightened tension during the hunt for the missing child CAYLEE between CASEY ANTHONY and her parents with searchers nearly exploded into a violent physical confrontation.

Texas Equusearch volunteers said that during the height of the search for the missing two year old, Caylee, who was later discovered dead,   near physical confrontation erupted between Casey, George Anthony,  Cindy Anthony and the Texas volunteer search team. 

In newly released interviews, the searchers described a volatile showdown inside the Anthony home in Orlando.

"George said to Casey, he said, ‘Casey, where do they need to start searching? Would you make a spot on the map?’ (Then) Cindy got really angry," Texas Equuserach leader Tim Miller told investigating detectives.

Cindy Anthony then banned them from entering her house.

Due to the Casey’s unwillingness to help, Miller said he considered backing out of the case before an organized search even began.

"Out of the four days of being in the house, Casey Anthony never said the word ‘Caylee’ one time," Miller said.

WESH-TV reported that Miler said in the interview that this was the first time in 1,100 searches that they had not been allowed to access the person who was last in contact with the missing person.

The trial of Casey Anthony, who stands accused of the murder of her daughter, Caylee, remains docketed for May 2011.