Donald Trump Declares War On Grinches!

Donald trump short

Donald Trump is vowing to save Christmas!

The Republican presidential front-runner, fed up with political correctness, promises: ‘If I become President, we’re all going to be saying, ‘Merry Christmas’ again!”

The Donald’s comments came as the business mogul blasted coffee giant Starbucks for using plain red holiday cups, which — for the first time in years — are without images of snowflakes, winter scenes or Christmas ornaments!

“Trump is finally saying what’s on a lot of people’s minds,” said one insider.

“In a ridiculous effort to not offend anybody, we’ve taken Christ out of Christmas.

“Now people have to say ‘Season’s greetings’ or ‘Happy holidays.’

“This is just plain silly. Donald wants to get back to saying ‘Merry Christmas,’ and so do millions of others!

“Over the years, there has been a desperate effort to downplay the significance of Christmas. That has to stop, and I’m confident Trump will put an end to that!”

Increasingly, many department stores, which count on Christmas sales to stay in business, now have generic holiday decorations.

Gone are Christmas trees, nativity scenes — and even Santa Claus!

Some local governments have banned religious displays in public areas, opting for a more general holiday theme.

A group called the Freedom From Religion Foundation has demanded the city of Collins, Miss., do away with religious displays in a park.

For Christmas, the park usually erects an illuminated Jesus, a large cross being carried by Jesus, three more crosses, a small chapel replica and a large sign reading, “I am the light of the world,” with an image of Jesus.

“People are sick of this nonsense,” the insider said.

“But for those who doubt it will ever change, all I can say is: ‘Yes, Virginia, there is a Donald Trump!’”